

Staying CALM: the MedUniverse take on tackling Pharma’s digital challenges

The next chapter in our series about the digital struggles of Pharma will cover what MedUniverse is doing to address the specific issues that came to light in our previous posts (lack of customer focus & linking digital initiatives to the broader business). As for the first issue, the lack of customer focus: everyone in

Staying CALM: the MedUniverse take on tackling Pharma’s digital challenges Read More »

Pharma’s digital struggle: what are the challenges and how can they be addressed?

In our previous post, we discussed how digital maturity could be measured and established there is a gap between the digital maturity of the pharmaceutical industry and the expectations of HCPs. In this post, we will investigate why Pharma is trailing behind digital leaders and what could be done to remedy this. The hurdles Pharma

Pharma’s digital struggle: what are the challenges and how can they be addressed? Read More »